The library had been founded in 1951. Currently, there are  28259 books in our library. Fund of the library is quite rich with a books in the fields of biology and agriculture. Library's fund includes the scientific publications, disserations and reports in it. There are also foreign publications which exists in our fund and in addition to that we have the scientific materials on the following issues:  plant breeding, genetics, agriculture, environmental biology, seed production, crop production, soil science, agricultural chemistry, plant physiology, molecular biology, Biophysics, and biochemistry. We also buy an informational booklets and jounals on regular basis that describes the agricultural world from the different angles and they are below listed publications: "Azerbaijan agrarian science" magazin, the National Academy of Sciences magazin on biology, Hungarian  "Cereal Research Communications" journal,  Issues in Genetic Resources" , "Seed INFORMATION" by ICARDA, and "Caravan" scientific jounal. 



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