Cəlal Əliyev - 90

          Azerbaijan science has suffered heavy loss. A prominent scientist,           well-known public figure, member of the Azerbaijan National Academy     of Sciences, honored scientist, doctor of biological sciences

J.A.Aliyev on  1st February 2016, the 88th year of his life passed away.

 A prominent figure of our time, biologist and a great scientist J.A. Aliyev was a pioneer of photosynthesis research in Azerbaijan and till the end of his life carried out researches. The significant works on wheat productivity, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology  are precious heritage.

The academician of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, the head of departments of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology at the Institute of Crop Husbandry Ministry of Agriculture and Fundamental Problems of Biological Productivity at the Institute of Botany of ANAS enriching, having huge value, theoretical and experimental results of treasure of world biological science J.A. Aliyev was born on 30June 1928 year in Nakhchevan. Professor J.Aliyev’s more than 60 years dynamic researches had been devoted, basically, to the study of theoretical and fundamental bases for photosynthetic productivity of wheat. As a result of long term researches J.Aliyev in the beginning of 80-s years of the last century, on basis of morphophysiological attributes have been developed «Ideal wheat» model. By use of this model tests numerous valuable wheat forms have been created by selection of breeding materials.

AcademicianJ.Aliyev’stheoretical and fundamental research results became principal in understanding of photorespiration. Contrary to the earlier conception about wastefulness of photorespiration, by 40 year versatile investigations academician J. Aliyev had confirmed that photorespiration, is one of the evolutionary developed vital metabolic process in plants and the tendency to reduce its intensity by various ways for the purpose of increasing the plant productivity are inconsistent.

J.A.Aliyev educing researches in the field of physico-chemical biology, had acted as the founder of development of molecular biology, molecular genetics, gene and cellular biotechnology, mathematical biology and bioinformatics in the Republic of Azerbaijan.         

He had authored 23 zoned and advanced varieties of bread and durum wheatsuch as Garagylchyg 2, Barakatli 95, Mirbashir 50,  Shiraslan 23,  Tartar, Vugar, Garabag,  Alinja 84, Akinchi 84, Giymatli 2/17,  Azamatli 95, Gobustan,  Nurlu  99,  Ruzi 84, Gyrmyzygul 1, Gyzyl bugda, Zirva 85, Tale 38 and others, 25 monographs and books, over 500 scientific publications.

Under initiative of the academician J.Aliyev up to 100 candidates and doctors of sciences have been trained and prepared.  Most of them successfully work in leading science centers and universities in CIS countries, USA, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, Japan, Sweden, Israel, Great Britain, South Korea and et c.

Through the leadership and dedication the created varieties, the breeders school, rich genefund of wheat, the written valuable works, as a whole scientific heritage of academician J. Aliyev is the National treasure of Azerbaijan nation.

 For great contributions to the science J. Aliyev was honored twice with the"Order of the Red Banner" (1978, 1986), Order of “Independence” (1998) and "Honor" (2013).

Perpetuating the heritage, created by Jalal Aliyev for future generations is the sacred duty of each member of his scientific school.

The memory of famous scientist, outstanding figureJalal Aliyev, will always stay in our hearts and minds.


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