The Methodical Council, which manages by the director of the SR Institute of Crop Husbandry, consists of 7 board members, which also includes: The Deputy Directors, Academic Secretary and the Heads of the laboratories and departments. The board of the Council annually confirms by the heads. During the year the Methodical Council held, up to 2-3 sessions. The Council deliberates the following topics during that session: Methodology of the Scientific-Research works which is carried out by the scientific employees, doctorates and PhD’s and realization of the scheduled issues. The experiments, that executes by the Methodical Council meticulously checks and afterwards the major decisions on that takes its place in addressing such things.
The list of the members:
1. TƏLAI J. M - PhD in biology, associated Professor, Director (Chairman)
2. HUMMATOV N. G - PhD in biology, associated Professor, Deputy Director
3. ZAMANOV A.A - PhD in biology, associated Professor, Deputy Director
4. HAJIYEVA S. K - PhD in agrarian sciences, academic Secretary (Secretary)
5. ABDULLAEV A. M - PhD in agrarian sciences, program Manager
6. GASANOVA G. M - PhD in biology, head of laboratory
7. AZIZOVA N. G - PhD in biology, head of laboratory