More than 80 young researchers have passed a long-term practical training in scientific centers of the former USSR in the following specialties: biophysics, biochemistry, molecular biology, mathematical modeling of agro ecosystems and photosynthetic processes, genetics, molecular genetics, plant physiology, radiobiology, phytopathology, plant immunity to diseases, etc.. 48 specialists were trained in objective full-time postgraduate school during the period from 1972 until 1988. After acquisition of independence, a personnel training is continuing mostly in the Republic and within the framework of cooperation with International Breeding Centers CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center) and ICARDA (International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas). During the period of the Institute’s activities, including the objective full-time postgraduate school, more than 400 highly qualified specialists were trained, including about 255 people who successfully defended their theses, received their PhD degrees, including 79 PhD’s who were trained at the Department of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology in the following fields: “Plant Physiology” - 35, “Biochemistry” - 12, “Biophysics” - 16, “Molecular biology” - 2, “Molecular genetics” - 1,“Bioorganic chemistry” - 2, “Radiobiology” - 4, “Microbiology” - 2, “Mathematical biology” – 5 persons. 7 of the researches employed by the Institute defended their doctoral theses on a basis of the result of their long-term productive research works. Personnel training tradition is successfully continuing at present. So, since 1996, more than 30 young researchers of the Institute passed advanced training courses held in different countries (India, Iran, Mexico, United Arab Emirates (The UAE), Syria, Turkey, etc.), in International Centers such as CIMMYT, ICARDA, IPGRI (International PlantGenetic Resources Institute), ICRISAT (The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid-Tropics) and ICBA (International Center For Bio saline Agriculture) within the framework of cooperation. They mainly focused on improvement of wheat and peanut varieties, rust diseases, creation of databases of plant genetic resources, major pests and diseases of crops, soil protective and resource conservation technologies of cultivation. Highly qualified trained personnel are currently working in various research institutes and higher education institutions of the country, are the responsible officials of state authorities, and are invited and successfully work as highly qualified specialists in the countries such as the USA, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Japan, China, Sweden etc. as well.