
There was held next meeting of Scientific Council in Research Institute of Crop Husbandry

On 8 May in 2017, there was held next meeting of Scientific Council in Research Institute of Crop Husbandry. Javanshir Talai, director of Institute announced the opening meeting, made a speech about the future objectives of Research Institute of Crop Husbandry in connection with the resolution of issues related to the action plan that was detected in Strategic Roadmap about production and processing of agricultural products in Azerbaijan. There were discussions of the proposed training in 2017 for product manufacturers of Agriculture by Research Institute of Crop Husbandry. Abbasov Bahlul, Dunyamaliyev Sevindik, Huseynov Saifullah, Hajimammadov Imrali, Kazimov Kabil the employees of institute made a speech about significant proposals on issues discussed. Then, current issues were discussed that were on agenda.

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