
There was held seminar in Research Institute of Crop Husbandry

On 12.05.2017, there was held traditional seminar about " approbation of grain-crops, legumes " that was dedicated approbation in Research Institute of Crop Husbandry with the line of State Service for Registration of Plant Varieties and Seeds Control. The approbators from all regions attended in the seminar. Javanshir Talai, director of Research Institute of Crop Husbandry talked about the importance of this seminar, the organization of seedage, grain role in state food security, the demand for elite seeds after greeting all participants. He also noted that right approbation paves the way for the achievement of the expected seed. After his detalied speech, he gave way for speech to G.Novruzlu, deputy chief of State Service for "seedage" Registration of Plant Varieties and Seed Control under Azerbaijan Republic Ministry of Agriculture. After G. Novruzlu’s speech about " approbation of grain-crops, legumes ", he answered the questions of participants of the seminar and aprobators. The seminar was dedicated to approbation completed successfully.

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