
The employees of Research Institute of Crop Husbandry took part at international seminar that was dedicated to the wheat selection

Since 1996, Research Institute of Crop Husbandry is holding introduction and exchange of genetic materials about wheat selection under “Improve Winter Wheat International Program”. More than 8500 samples of winter wheat and optional wheat were introduced, tested and were involved in the selection. Now, the common varieties (Tale 38(Fortune), Gizil bugda(Golden wheat), Leyagetli 80(Dignity)) were established, divided into districts and were included in the state register of selection achievements. İWWİP program founder was Food, Agriculture and Livestock Ministry of Turkey Republic, CIMMYT and ICARDA. To improve and develop genetic materials of winter wheat and optional wheat For Central and West Asia is the main propose of program. Improved wheat selection lines were sent to the Research Institute of Crop Husbandry along with the research institutes of other countries every year. There is held international circuit seminar about wheat selection. The former seminars were held Ukraine, Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania, Uzbekistan and next seminars were held in Azerbaijan and Georgia In 2015. On May 22-26, on Krasnodar-Rostov of Russia this international seminar was held with the organization of CIMMYT, ICARDA, FAO and the Krasnodar P.P. Lukyanenko AR Institute and "Don" Agrarian Scientific. Delegation of Azerbaijan was represented by Javanshir Talai, director RICH; Abidin Abdullayev, Khanbala Rustamov employees of the department of plant breeding; Atabay Jahangirov, director of Gobustan BTS; Gular Gadimaliyev, doctorate of Plant Genetic Resources Institute of ANSA at the international seminar. Overall, the international event was attended by experts from 17 countries and 62 selector scientist. During the visit, the delegation acquainted and exchange of experiences of Institutes of Oil Plant, Krasnodar ARon behalf of P.P.Lukyanenko , All-Russian Institutes of Cereals R behalf of İ.Q. Kalinenko, was implemented with the selection works, seedage farms, as well as farmers and grain fields. During the event, there were presentations on scientific research institutions in Krasnodar and Rostov regions operating in Russia, history, achievements and prospects of selection in Russia importance of the international program, importance of the international program for the improvement of winter wheat, wheat breeding and production in Turkey, FAO's activities in Central Asia and the Russian regions, the main directions and results of winter wheat selection in connection with climate change , the main directions of the marker selection, selection works and the main trends of the world's wheat production. On The last day of seminar, Javanshir Talai, director of RICH made a speech with the presentation about “The selection results work carried out in Azerbaijan under İWWİP program”. He gave more information about agriculture appointment land, winter wheat in the last five years of economic indicators, existing problems, the purpose and priorities of the selection, bread wheat varieties which are included in created in partnership with the international breeding centers, divided into district and the state register of selection achievements. During the visit, the delegation acquainted about demonstration crops and seedage activities with statement of wheat and barley varieties of Krasnodar RIA in operating in peasant farms in the Timaseyevsk, Korenovsk and Pavlovsk districts of Krasnodar region which is involved in grain seed. During the visit, there were discussions about the scientific results that were got with cooperation parties; challenges and problems of selection were discussed and developed areas of cooperation for the future. It was decided about the agreements on exchange genetic materials above mentioned institutions, testing wheat, barley and soybean varieties, and staff training.

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