
Minimal cultivation and bed planting methods tested as delayed sowing in Tartar RES

Director of the institute Faig Khudayev, deputy director for production Atif Zamanov and director of Tartar BTS Hagigat Hashimova and other employees of the farm took part in the tests.

Note that the method of bed planting has the following advantages:

1. Seed rate is reduced by 30-40%;
2. Irrigation water is saved by 25-30%;
3. The phytosanitary condition of the area is improving;
4. The efficiency of applied fertilizers increases;
5. Possibility of mechanical control of weeds;
6. The nutrient area of plants increases, their resistance to sleep increases;
7. The number of productive stems increases;
8. The mass of 1000 kernels increases;

9. Profitability increases by reducing energy cultivation to a minimum and zero, saving 20-30% of energy;

10. Natural fertility is restored by preventing soil degradation (as a result of improper agricultural techniques, pollution, etc., a gradual deterioration of soil properties, a decrease in the amount of humus, the destruction of soil structure and a decrease in fertility).

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